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Off Grid Christianity – Episode 98 - Kevin DeVries

I have edited the recording with Kevin into 2 parts purely for timing. Kevin is an exceptional man and not only shares about his back story of 2 divorces, bankruptcy, living in a car plus a near death experience whilst climbing a mountain and not just any mountain! What was he doing in the Himalayas? What was he doing on Mount Ararat? Did he see any traces of a certain boat? What is the Cannes World Film Festival nominated documentary The True Summit about? Why does he run his Christian events in pubs and micro-breweries and what about the usual backlash? The 30 minute film is now available on YouTube and I strongly recommend a viewing. This 2 parter podcast only makes brief references about The True Summit as Kevin has so much more to share. Please listen. Part Two has the same release date.

For Part One click on the red arrow below.

For Part Two, please click on this link…

Off Grid Christianity – Episode 99 – Kevin DeVries – Part Two

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The Story Behind Off Grid Christianity.

Off Grid Christianity is a podcast for Christians who feel disconnected from Church…whether they attend one or not!

Those 5 Starter Questions and Christian Hero.

This shortened episode features the 5 questions I ask every guest at the start of every podcast. I finish every episode by asking them who their christian hero is. The former BBC NI Political commentator and all round good egg Martina Purdy, turns the table and asks me the questions. Many have asked what my answers would be so here they are!

Meet Your Host

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Martin Purnell

Hosted by Martin Purnell, former ‘Drivetime’ presenter on the UK’s first FM Christian Radio station, ‘Cross Rhythms City’, in Stoke-on-Trent. Martin also pioneered the legendary lunchtime discussion programme ‘The Soapbox’ on national Christian radio station ‘UCB’.

In recent years, Martin took a step back from direct involvement in broadcasting to focus on family life in his adopted home of Northern Ireland. However, throughout that time, the concept behind OGC has been developing on the ‘back burner’ and Access Radio is excited to bring that to fruition, through this regular podcast.

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